

Myopia affects almost 30% of the world’s population.
3% of the world’s population is affected by pathologic myopia.


Myopia is estimated to affect 50% of the world’s population.
High myopia will affect 10% of the world’s population.

Every Dioptre Counts

Studies have shown that a 1–dioptre increase in myopia is associated with a 67% increase in the prevalence of myopic maculopathy, the most common and serious sight-threatening complication of myopia and the main cause of irreversible vision loss around the globe.



child test chair

Different strategies are being used for the management of myopia in children, including multifocal contact lenses, Ortho-K (Orthokeratology) and the use of bifocal / progressive spectacle lenses have been studied as potential myopia control devices.

Even when precsribing a myopia mangement solution to a patient, it should also be made clear that there are ways that they can help themselves:

  • Reduce screen time.
  • Spend more time outdoors / sit near a window in classroom to maximise exposure to natural light.
  • Remember and adhere to the 20-20-20 rule (take a 20 second break after every 20 minutes of screen time to focus on something 20 feet away)
  • Maintain a recommended distance from screens (distance from hand to elbow).

My-O-Sense® – Myopia Management Lenses.

Designed with cutting-edge technology and backed by extensive research, My-O-Sense Myopia Management Solution offers an exciting new approach to treating the “silent pandemic” of childhood myopia. This lens is not only extremely effective in slowing down the rate of increase in myopia; it also combats ocular elongation thanks to its unique Myo Free-form Technology, which adapts to the nasal and temporal asymmetry of the retina.

My-O-Sense Myopia Management Solution is based on hyperopic defocus theory. Standard negative lenses cause light to focus behind the peripheral retinal plane. This can stimulate the eye to elongate further and worsen the myopia over time. By contrast, a lens with positive power at the periphery enables light to focus correctly on the retinal plane.

My-O-Sense Free-Form Technology is an advanced innovation that effectively slows down the progression of axial elongation in children’s eyes. It achieves this by incorporating asymmetric positive defocus on the back surface of the lens, which is calibrated to the natural asymmetry of the retina. This ensures that all light is focused on the retinal plane, effectively combating ocular elongation, and slowing down the progression of myopia.

My-O-Sense includes two zones. In the centre is a clear visual zone, 7mm in diameter, with a unique elliptical shape that improves vision on the vertical axis. Surrounding this first zone, there is the myopia treatment zone with asymmetric peripheral defocus, strategically calibrated with +1.8D and +1.5D (temporal and nasal areas) and +2.0D at the bottom of the lens. In conjunction, these carefully calculated zones give children the best possible visual experience while simultaneously treating their myopia progression.

According to an interview study with 3195 respondents worldwide, practitioners consider that children with a refractive error of -0.50D to -1.00D and a minimum age of 6 years are suitable candidates for My-O-Sense myopia management lenses.




My-O-Sense distributes positive power at the periphery which is calibrated to the natural asymmetry of the retina.

Proven European Clinical Trial Results

The efficacy of My-O-Sense Myopia Management Solution has been evaluated in the first randomized, double-blind study carried out specifically in a European population. Children aged 6-14 took part, with treatment continuing for one year. The study yielded remarkable preliminary results. Ocular elongation, measured by axial length increase, was an astonishing 39% lower after 12 months in wearers of this lens compared to a standard single vision lens.

Analysis shows that wearers of our

innovative lens technology experience

significantly less ocular elongation

compared to those using standard single vision



Notably, the satisfaction scores were found to be on par with those achieved using a single vision lens, underscoring the seamless adaptability of children to our innovative lens solution.

Performance all distances


Of the children satisfied

with the performance of

My-O-Sense for distance,

intermediate and near vision


Of the children consider

that My-O-Sense provides

excellent comfort


Of the children consider that

the My-O-Sense lens provides

good sharpness of vision.

Based on the defocus principle

My-O-Sense Management Solution lens brings images formed behind the retinal plane forward with positive power in the horizontal axis.

Progressive Myopic Defocus

A carefully calibrated region of peripheral defocus which makes the lens much more comfortable to wear and suitable for treating myopia in children of any age.

Ellipse-shaped viewing zone in the vertical axis

The visual zone has an elliptical shape in the vertical axis for greater amplitude, resulting in enhanced comfort and increased freedom of eye movement.

Asymmetric Myopic Defocus

Taking into account the asymmetry of the retina, the lens controls blur to prevent the eye from stretching and thus increasing myopia.

7mm viewing zone in the vertical axis

The clear vision zone is reduced to 7 mm in the vertical axis to ensure greater efficiency.

Progressive smooth positive power

Our lens gradually and smoothly increases positive power from the centre to the periphery.

Decreased ocular elongation

Our lenses reduce the growth of eye elongation in myopic children.

Myo Freeform Technology

Whilst our freeform technology allows us to produce My-O-Sense in any material. We believe that the design should be underpinned by the optical perfromance of any material used, therefore, we only use materials with an ABBE Value of 40 or above.

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